License Agreement
WISE comes with a license file, required to start the software. This license agreement spells out the terms of using WISE.
WISE is an integrated spatial decision support system designed to support integrated policy analysis and long-term spatial planning. It is a stand-alone software programme that runs on Windows PCs (we recommend using a 64 bit processor).WISE can be used to explore different scenarios of future regional or sub-regional development, identify trade-offs and evaluate the consequences of policies.
WISE has been developed under the Creating Futures Programme, a 4-year research programme funded by the Foundation for Research Science and Technology (now Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment). Currently WISE is being applied to several case studies to explore its use in support of policy, planning and decision-making.
More information:
Access and use of WISE version 1.6 is provided under acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
- This license is strictly personal. It is not allowed to distribute the software or the license file to any parties other than the signatory of this license agreement.
- The license is provided for trial purposes only. It is not allowed to use WISE to support consulting or research projects, or any other use that is not purely for evaluating the functioning and applicability of WISE.
- WISE comes with no guarantees of applicability or functioning of any kind. The receiver of the license will not hold Waikato Regional Council or RIKS responsible for losses or damages in any kind or form that result from the use of WISE.
- Because the purpose of the trial of WISE is to evaluate its usability and applicability, you agree to be contacted about your use of WISE and your opinion of it. Apart from this, we kindly solicit your feedback on your experiences with WISE and suitability or shortcomings for your envisaged uses. Please send your feedback to the contact person listed at the top of this document.
You will receive an email that includes:
- Licence file
- WISE download file
- Instruction of how to install WISE